Saturday, 7 December 2013

Reasons for Ads not listed on Craigslist?

You posted double and your ads are not showing up after 15 minutes. What is the problem and why are they not showing up live on the Classified website? There could be a variety of reasons but here we will go over a few likely offenders when posting on Classified.

We all want to be capable to post ads on Classified but they do not really want us.

Filling the website with profitable ads so they are taking steps to inexpensively and as effortless as possible stop us. Fortunately they are taking the inexpensive and easy way. This means we have time to acclimatize and continue quickly even when they make a change to posting.

When your ad does not show up it means one of the Classified bots spotted it and did not like something in that ad. You may have posted too repeatedly or too fast on your IP address.

You may have posted an ad that was too close to one that was posted minutes ago. Your ad must be special and you need to change your IP frequently. When the bots stop one of your ads, it is called green ghosted. If you go and look in your CL account, it will show as green and live. But when you go to the actual post on the site, it is not obtainable to surfers on the website. I know it sucks!

The answer is to modify how you are posting and what your ads have in them.

Things that can trigger the green ghost:

* Same Ad title

* Same Ad Body

* Too numerous posting on an IP

* Using municipal deputy

* Has your link domain been banned already

* Image ads in prohibited category

* Email address has been hackneyed

There are plenty more that we don’t know accurately what they are but smart people have figured out ways to beat the ghost and get the ads posted. A lot of people are sharing what they know about how to post multiple ads on Classified. Some know what they talk about and some don’t.

Your own testing and results will teach you through the school of Classified stiff knocks

and it is critical to go through this if you really want to be able to figure out what is going on.

You can go out and buy software that will post thousands of ads but if they all get ghosted you are no farther ahead. Post manually for awhile to learn the insides of Classified posting ads that get up there.

After you master manual posting start using software to post more ads. Software is great once you know how to write an ad that keep away from the ghost. It is definitely possible to have a 90% stick rate on your ads.

To learn from the best teachers on Classified Posting tricks and techniques check out Classified Masters.